The 3rd Annual Construction Canada Emerging Leader Awards program honours members of the Architectural, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) Community who demonstrate excellence, impress, and inspire their co-workers, and are well on their way to becoming the next leaders in the profession.

These awards recognize young professionals for excellence in design, leadership, initiative, and/or service to the community. Nominated by a member or members of their team, finalists were selected by a jury of peers.

Fellow CAWIC Vice President & Director of Marketing Acacia Ashick has been selected as a 2021 Emerging Leader Finalist in the “Initiative” Category. Through Acacia’s work as a Project Coordinator at Urbacon for the past 3 years and for her involvement with the Canadian Association of Women In Construction as Vice President & Director, Acacia has shown excellence in her field.

Winners will be announced live at the Buildings Show December 1, 2021 at the Toronto Metro Convention Centre.

For more details visit: